One word substitution definition, example

One word substitution is a replacement for a long and lengthy sentence or definition.

It falls under the category of vocabulary as words, sentences, and definitions are part of speech. 



Nostalgia (पुरानी याद)

A sentimental memory related to the past.

Utopia (आदर्श लोक)

An imaginary society free from crime and poverty.

Infallible (अचूक)

Incapable of making mistakes.

Crusade (धर्मयुद्ध)

A vigorous campaign for a cause.

Democracy (लोकतंत्र)

A govt led by all the eligible candidates through election.

Aviary (चिडयाघर)

A cage/ place mode for birds.

Cemetery (कब्रिस्तान)

A burial ground


(छोटी/तंग जगह का डर)  

Fear of closed place

Palaeography (प्रचीन शिलालेखों)

Study of ancient writing and scriptures

Shoal (मछिलयों का समूह)

A number of fish swimming together.

Narcissist (आत्ममुक्त)

A person who loves himself the most.

Pessimist (निराशावादी)

The person who looks at the negative dark side of everything.

Lexicography (कोश-रचना)

The practice of writing dictionaries.

Caravan (काफिला)

A number of people traveling together,

Polyglot (बहुभाषी)

Someone who speaks more than one language.

Posse (सिपाहिओं का समूह)

A temporary police force.

Optimist आशावादी

The one who looks at the brighter side of everything.

Gym (व्यायामशाला(

A place to exercise and training.

Calligraphy (हस्तलिपि विद्या)

The act of producing beautiful handwriting.

Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)

The who knows everything.

Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)

The one who is present in everything.



