Adverb, Definition and it's types

Adverb:- A word that modifies the meaning of a verb an adjective or another adverb is called an adverb.

क्रिया विशेषण:- जिस शब्द से क्रिया, विशेषण या किसी अन्य क्रिया विशेषण का अर्थ बदल जाता है, उसे क्रिया विशेषण कहते हैं।


Twice, brightly, once, already, clearly etc.

1. Ravi runs quickly.

Here in sentence word 'quickly' shows how Ravi runs.... So 'quickly' word modifies the verb 'runs'. 

इस वाक्य में 'quickly'' एक adverb हैं, जोकि verb 'runs' को modifies करता हैं। मतलब रवि किस तरह दौड़ता हैं।

2. This is very nice rabbit.

Here in sentence word 'very' shows how much the rabbit is nice... 'very' word modifies the adjective of 'nice'.

इस वाक्य में 'very' एक adverb हैं जोकि adjective 'nice' को modifies करता हैं। मतलब खरगोश कितना अच्छा हैं।

3. Komal learns quite clearly.

Here in sentence word 'quite' shows how far Komal 'learns' clearly... So 'quite' word modifies the adverb 'clearly'. 

इस वाक्य में 'quite' एक adverb हैं जोकि adverb शब्द 'clearly' को modifies करता है. मतलब कि कोमल कैसे पढ़ती हैं।

Kinds of Adverb(क्रिया विशेषण के प्रकार)

1. Adverb of Time

2. Adverb of frequency

3. Adverb of place

4. Adverb of manner

5. Adverb of affirmation and negation

6. Adverb of degree or quantity

7. Adverb of reason

आइए इनको एक - एक कर विस्तार से जानते हैं।

1. Adverb of time.

    (Which show when)

  • We have said them already.
  • We met yesterday night.
  • Nisha talks with him daily.
  • She has heard this before.

ऊपर underlined किए गए शब्द Adverb of time के उदाहरण हैं। जोकि किसी समय के बारे में बताते हैं।

2. Adverb of frequency.

  Which show how often.

  • My mother cooks twice.
  • They often make mistakes.
  • We have never gone Mumbai once.
  • Sneha called her again.
  • He frequently comes.

ऊपर underlined किए हुए शब्द Adverb of frequency के उदाहरण हैं जोकि किसी चीज के बारे में बताते हैं कि कितनी बार हुआ हैं।

3. Adverb of place.

Which show where.

  • Sit here.
  • Don't look up.
  • She looked backward.
  • Go there.
  • They went away.

ऊपर underlined किए हुए शब्द Adverb of place के उदाहरण हैं जोकि किसी जगह के बारे में बताते हैं।

4. Adverb of manner

Which show how or in what manner.

  • Komal learns clearly.
  • She said me in well manner.
  • Preeti works hard.
  • They should not do so.
  • Soldier fought bravely
ऊपर underlined किए गए शब्द Adverb of manner के उदाहरण हैं। जोकि तौर तरीको के बारे मे बताते हैं कि वह किस तरह हुआ है।

5. Adverb of degree or quantity.
Which show how much or in what degree or to what extent.
  • She is partly right.
  • Preet is fully prepared.
  • We rather busy.
  • She was too careless.
  • These apples are almost ripe.
ऊपर underlined किए हुए शब्द Adverb of degree or quantity के बारे में बताते हैं। 

6. Adverb of affirmation and negation
A word which declare that something is true or some equivalent expression or negative statement, judgment or a logical proposition.

  • They certainly went.
  • Surly you are mistaken.
  • Teacher should never agree to the illogical demands.
  • Things turned out to be exactly the same as expected.
ऊपर underlined किए हुए शब्द Adverb of affirmation and negation के उदाहरण हैं। जो ये बताते हैं कि कोई statement सच हैं या कोई झूठा बयान हैं आदि।

7. Adverb of reason
Words which are used to tell the reason behind the happening of a particular accurence.

  • In village was no network; Hence she switched off her phone.
  • They therefore left the street.
  • Sneha started running because she didn't want to miss the metro.
  • He left the bus because he was busy.
  • Why is it so hot inside the car.

ऊपर underlined किए हुए शब्द Adverb of reason के उदाहरण हैं जो किसी कारण आदि के बारे में बताते हैं।
