Active and Passive Voice definition, Rules, Charts 

 Active voice :- जब किसी sentence (वाक्य) में कर्ता (subject) किसी कार्य को करता हैं और कर्ता(subject) का पूरा focus (ध्यान) उस object (कर्म) पर होता हैं। और वाक्यों में कर्ता (subject) को अधिक महत्व दिया जाता हैं। ऐसे वाक्य को Active voice कहा जाता हैं।

        जैसे :- मोनी बच्चो को पढ़ाती हैं।

                 Moni teaches students.

ऊपर दिए गए उदाहरण में मोनी(subject) हैं, जोकि बच्चो को पढ़ाती हैं। और उसका पूरा focus कर्म(object) यानी "बच्चो" पर हैं। तो ऐसे वाक्यों को active voice कहते हैं।

Active voice में मुख्यतः subject, verb और उसके बाद object दिए होते हैं।


Active voice :- subject + verb + object.

Passive voice :- जब किसी वाक्य में कर्ता (subject) के द्वारा किसी कार्य को किया जाता हैं तथा ऐसे sentence (वाक्य) में कर्ता यानी (subject) की बजाए object (कर्म) को ज्यादा महत्व दिया जाता हैं।

Passive Voice Sentences में कभी - कभी ऐसे भी वाक्य होते हैं जिनमे subject छुपा होता हैं या नहीं भी दिया जाता हैं।

Passive voice वाक्यों मे by (के द्वारा) का प्रयोग किया जाता हैं।

Passive Voice में मुख्यतः पहले object फिर Verb और उसके बाद subject दिए जाते हैं।

Rule:- Object + hv + Verb3 + Subject.

जैसे :-  बच्चो को मोनी के द्वारा पढ़ाया जाता है।

           Children is taught by Moni.

ऊपर दिए गए वाक्यों में कर्ता (subject) "मोनी" के द्वारा बच्चो को पढ़ाया जाता हैं और वाक्यों में कर्ता (subject) "मोनी" के स्थान पर कर्म (object) यानी "बच्चो" को अधिक महत्व दिया गया हैं।

There are 5 types of Active Voice and passive Voice.

1. Active and Passive in tense.

2. Active and Passive in Modal Verbs.

3. Active and Passive in "Let''.

4. Passive of Imperative Sentences.

5. Passive of infinitives. 

           Active and Passive Voice chart





Present Indefinite



Present Cont.


Is/Am/Are + being

Present Perfect


Has/Have been

Past Indefinite



Past Cont.


Was/were + being

Past Perfect


Had been

Future Indefinite


Will be

Future Perfect

Will have

Will have been




By Me


By Us


By You


By Him


By Her


By Them


By It

     Active and Passive Voice Examples 

                       In Tense

AV- They play football.    (Present indefinite)

PV- Football is played by them.

AV- Deepika is singing a song. ( Present continuous)

PV- A song is being sung by Deepika.

AV- We have bought a house.   (Present Perfect)

PV- A house has been bought by us.

AV- Karan stole his mobile.(Past indefinite)

PV- His mobile was stolen by Karan.

AV- The boys were playing cricket.(Past continuous)

PV- Cricket was being played by the boys.

AV- They had written a story.(Past perfect)

PV- A story had been written by them.

AV- We will play cricket.(Future indefinite)

PV- Cricket will be played by us.

AV- He will have completed this project by next week.  (Future perfect)

PV- This project will have been completed by him by next week.

AV- Does she know you?  (Present indefinite)

PV- Are you known by her?

AV- Why do you play cricket?(Present indefinite)

PV- Why is cricket played by you?

AV- Did they tell you something?(Past indefinite)

PV- Were you told something by them?

AV- How much do you love your mother? 

(Present indefinite)

PV- How much is mother loved by you?

Active and Passive Voice in Modal Verbs

Note:-  modal Verbs के active voice मे जिन भी verb के साथ 1st form का प्रयोग होता हैं उसके साथ हम  passive voice में be का प्रयोग करते हैं और दूसरी तरफ जिन भी verbs के साथ 3rd form का प्रयोग active voice में प्रयोग होता हैं उसके साथ हम passive voice में been का प्रयोग करते हैं।

दूसरी बात ये की modal verbs के साथ verbs की 2nd form का प्रयोग नही  किया जाता हैं।                 


CAN (सकता है)


COULD (सकाता था, सका)


Could have (सकाता था)


Should (चाहिए)


Should have (चाहिए था)


Must (चाहिए, गा, गी, )      (जरूर)


MUST HAVE  (चाहिए था, चुका होगा, चुकी होगी)    (जरूर))


MAY/ MIGHT ((सकता है)  (गा, गी, )   (शायद)


MAY HAVE/MIGHT HAVE (सकाता था) / ( चुका होगा, चुकी होगी)   (शायद)


HAS TO/HAVE TO (करना है, करना पड़ता है)


HAD TO (करना था, करना पड़ता था)


WOULD LIKE TO (करना चाहेगा)


Used to, would (किया करता था)


Active and Passive Voice in Modal Verbs

He can ride a cycle.

PV- A cycle can be ridden by him.

AV- They can do this work.

PV- This Work can be done by them.

AV- You should obey your elder.

PV- Your elder should be obeyed by you.

AV- Would you take a cup of coffee?

PV- Would a cup of coffee be taken by you?

AV- We can cook the food.

PV- The food can be cooked by us.

AV- We can not cook the food.

PV- The food cannot be cooked by us.

AV- They might call us next week.

PV- We might be called By them next week.

AV- Should you have started a job?

PV- Should a job have been started by you?

AV- We ought to help the poor.

PV- The poor ought to be helped by us.

AV- Our English teacher may give an exam today.

PV- An exam may be given by our English teacher today.

AV- Moni can teach the students very well.

PV- The students can be taught by moni very well.

AV- Alka must learn English.

PV- English must be learnt by Alka.

AV- Rahul can play cricket.

PV- Cricket can be played by Rahul.

AV- We should not harm Animals.

PV- Animals should not be harmed by us.

AV- Deepika must attend the English class.

PV- The English class must be attended by Deepika.

AV- They have to do it very early in the morning,।

PV- it has to be done by them very early in the morning.

AV- She will remember me.

PV- I will be remembered by her.

AV- We would have attended the class.

PV- The class would have been attended by us.

AV- Atul will have closed  his shop.

PV- His shop will have been closed by Atul.

AV- She might do it.

PV- it might be done by her.

AV- Will we have read the lesson by tomorrow?

PV- Will the lesson have been read by us by tomorrow?

               Passive voice of let

Let is described in 

1. Tense

2 modal Verbs sentences

3 Imperative sentences.


AV- She lets them go home.

PV- They are let go home by her.

AV- Alka didn't let us read the book.

PV- We were not let read the book by Alka.

AV- You should let them do it.

PV- They should be let do it by you.

AV- Sheetal won't let you meet Deepika.

PV- You will not be let meet Deepika by Sheetal.

AV- They are not letting us study.

PV- We are not being let study by them.

AV- Why do you not let her come home?

PV- Why is she not let come home by you?

AV- Neeraj had let me attend the lecture that day.

PV- I had been let attend the lecture that day by Neeraj.

AV- Your mother should not have let you play all the time.

PV- You should not have been let play all the time by your mother.

AV- How often does your mother let you go to park?

PV- How often do you let go to park by your mother?

AV- My friend never let us visit the village.

PV- We were never let visit the village by my friend.

AV- Could she let me take this phone?

PV- Could I be let this phone by her?

AV- My brother can let me play.

PV- I can be let play by my brother.

Passive of Imperative and infinitives

Imperative और infinitives ऐसे वाक्य होते हैं, जिनमे हम किसी को order, request या advice देते हैं।


AV- Respect the parents.

PV- let the parents be respected.

AV- Finish this task.

PV- let this task be finished.

AV- Open the window.

PV- let the window be opened.

AV- Repair your T.V.

PV- let your T.V. be repaired.

AV- Help Sneha's sister.

PV- let Sneha's sister be helped.


Infinitives के active voice में हम To + v1 form का प्रयोग करते हैं और दूसरी ओर हम passive voice में To be + v3 form का प्रयोग करते हैं।

AV- There are two apples to eat.

PV- There are two apples to be eaten.

AV- There are four students to teach.

PV- There are four students to be taught.

Note: यदि किसी  Infinitives वाक्य में object दिया हो तो उस object से पहले for का प्रयोग किया जाएगा।


AV- It is time to take tea.

PV- It is time for tea to be taken.

AV- It is time to enjoy breakfast.

PV- It is time for breakfast to be enjoyed.

AV- I am to complete notes.

PV- Notes are to be completed by me.
