A verb is a word used to express an action or state or both. 

   जिन शब्दों से किसी काम के करने या होने का पता चलता हैं, उसे क्रिया कहते हैं।

जैसे:- Run, walk, grow, talk, climb, shout, etc.. 

                    Action verb

Action verb is a physical action.

Action verb is used with or without 'ing'.


She walks.

She is walking.

Sneha talks too much.

Sneha is talking too much.

My friend plays football with me.

My friend is playing football with me.

Sheetal kicks the football.

Sheetal is kicking the football.

My father helped me with my work.

My father was helping me with my work.

                     State (stative) verb

It describes a status or quality of something.

      यह किसी चीज की स्थिति या गुणवत्ता का वर्णन                      करता है।

It is used without 'ing'.

1. Sense:- smell, hear, taste, see, feel etc.

2. States / Quantity:- Depend, matter, cost, weigh etc.

3. Opinion:- Believe, trust, think, understand, forget etc.

4. Possession:- Have, own, belong, include etc.

5. Emotion:- Love, hate, like, need, desire, wish etc.


                       1. Senses

Do they hear song?

I heard a voice.

                     2. States / Quantity

This chocolate costs around rs 30.

We depend on mother.

                      3. Opinion

She trusts him.

They forgot to play.

                     4. Possession

She has a house.

We belong to this school.

                     5. Emotion

We love to play cricket.

She hates him.

Some Verbs can be used both action and stative.

1. Look

We are looking out the window of the class.

She looks beautiful.

2. Have

I am having a great time with you.

They have expensive car 

3. Smell

The flower smells nice.

The flower is smelling nice.

4. Mind 

She is minding her own business.

She doesn't mind if you talk with her.

5. Weigh

The shopkeeper is weighing the vegetables.

This chair weighs 30 kg.

6. Taste

My friend is tasting the tea.

This tea tastes good.

7. Feel

She is feeling tired.

She feels that she is honest girl.
