ledger is  a book of accounts that helps you to record your data with individual specification .you can record your customer data & vendors, expense , income ,liability or many more individually.

ledger creations & configurations - how to create ledger in tally

Step 1 - ledger creations in tally erp 9

from the gateway of tally select account info then ledger then create

you can press A key form your keyboard to open account info 

you can press L key form your keyboard to open Ledger 

you can press C key form your keyboard to Create Ledger 

How to create customer & vendors ledger from the ledger creation screen 

Name ( write the name of your ledger ) Ex : Raj kumar chaudhary
Alias (short name of ledger ) Ex : Rkc
Under (select under group according to your account
Inventory value affected (No)

Mailing Details
Mailing name (write the name of the person who deals with you )
Address (address of your ledger)
State  (state of your ledger)
Pin code (pin code of your ledger)
Pan / It no (pan card no of your ledger)

ctrl + A for save details 

How to edit Ledger 
if you want to edit your ledger so go to ledger then alter option select your ledger to edit then save your changes.

How to view you ledger
if you want to view your ledger so go to ledger then Display option search your ledger then press enter 
Ledger configuration 
if you want to record more information about your ledger Example ( notes, phone no, email id etc.so you have to configure your ledger settings .

Press F12 on ledger creation screen  

select your need and choose (yes/no) for your ledger then press ctrl + A for save configurations